What readers are saying
We are proud to offer these incredible books by George Kakridas to our readers. The reviews speak for themselves, as readers have described them as 'powerful,' 'thought-provoking,' and 'insightful.' If you are interested in history, culture, and personal growth, then these books are for you. Order now and experience the engaging storytelling for yourself!
"The author’s story is well-written and speaks to moments of history from the perspective of a young boy in Greece. The occupations and wars of his youth were character building, and his first-hand experienes take the reader right into place and times of hardship contrasted with the peaceful years before the occupation.
The mountains north of Sparta sound like a wonderful place to grow up, and yes, I’d never want to leave, but hardship can change everything. Mr. Kakridas account of Greece’s history is like a roadmap of lessons and passages, familiar to so many places and peoples. His stories exposed the Nazis for who they were, brutal occupiers, and a childhood where one never knew who was friend or foe.
The history he includes in the book opens the eyes of the reader to never-ending struggles brought on by war after war, drawing those who’d endured so much struggle to emigrate. His first-hand experiences bring history to life for the reader. I became fond of Truman, a dear and reliable mule. The author’s shared history opened my eyes to the Nazi’s use of drugs to fight a war, and the kidnapping and indoctrination of Greek children in the Civil War reminds me of what the Russians are now doing in Ukraine. How the on-going histories of our world ignore the sorrows of the past.
I appreciated the photographs that Mr. Kakridas included, especially the large weaving machine his mother used and the Elona Monastery. This memoir reveals just how many times the fates were in Mr. Kakridas’ favor for him to grow to adulthood, to leave his homeland for America and live a successful life. I’m certain all his memories fill him with gratitude for the lessons of where he came from and where he is today, and I'm grateful he shared his memories and country's history with us."
~Sandra Fox Murphy
A Great First-Hand Account
"Growing Up Under the Nazi Boot is a great first-hand account of one boy’s life experiences from the time he was a five-year-old with the Nazi army noisily rolling into his small Greek village through his experiences working his heart out as a young adult in his newly adopted homeland of the United States to his retirement from a successful career in business. I found myself frightened for him, disappointed when he was, and cheering him on each time he kept trying and ultimately found a way to succeed. George is an example of the true human and American spirit. It is a great read!"
It Really Grabbed Me
"It takes courage to write a book, sharing the intimate details of one’s life, revealing the realities of one’s family along the way. And most of us don’t know many who’ve accomplished it or who have the confidence to think others would be interested in our life story. But I’m so glad you did, George. I was transported on every page. And it was charming, as written, in your true voice. I was glad you didn’t let some well-intentioned former English teacher friend go at it with her red pencil. It would have deleted the essence of you, George. It was just right and helped to convey not just your unique personality that makes you George Kakridas, but your extraordinary passion and pride in your Greek heritage AND in being an American. It really grabbed me. I’ve never been to Greece - to my great disappointment - but I now feel I have a good sense of it far beyond the many documentaries of the Parthenon and the Acropolis that many of us have watched. Thank you for this treasure and beautiful ‘vacation’ for my mind and tour through history."
~Sandra Fox Murphy
I Recommend That All Teens and Young Adults Read This Book!!
"An easy read about what life was like as a child growing up in a small Greek village under Nazi occupation, followed by a civil war (against communist aggression) after World War II!! After surviving these turbulent years, the struggle to achieve the dream of immigrating to America. Once in America as a young adult, he followed a path of opportunities through hard work, studying, to eventually build a very successful business and raise a loving family!!"
~Gerda Gavrilis
"This book is ultimately about the effect that love courage and the will to survive can have on a child growing up in a war-torn country. Before reading George Kakridas' second book I had very limited knowledge of the Nazi Occupation of Greece throughout World War 2 and the Greek Civil War that followed. Mr. Kakridas writes about both in terrifying detail while also showing how the love of family and the support of a village give him the strength needed to survive. Through the wide open eyes of his childhood self he describes a life where every day was filled with the unspeakable acts of the Nazis yet at the same time filled with the ever present need to go forward. I found myself transported to that place and time-- at one moment horrified and at the next applauding the grit, determination and resilience of George and his fellow villagers. That he not only survived but then came to America to live the American Dream is a sterling example of the human
spirit. I highly recommend this book as a must read for everyone, especially those of us who have never had to experience the unimaginable atrocities of war."
The Book Gave Me a Great Perspective
"I would like to let you know how much I enjoyed your book “Under the Nazi Boot”. I am not an avid reader but I could not put your book down. It showed so much insight into how life in Greece was during this horrible time in history.
The book gave me a great perspective of how my mother grew up at that same time in Greece in a little town called Trapezondi, 10 km south of Sparta. Although she was much older than you, (born 1922) her stories were very, very similar. She too had the dream of coming to America for a better life. She also immigrated in 1955. She is still alive and turned 98 years old on Christmas Day. She is the strongest person I know. I’m sure much of that strength comes from what she endured in Greece as you did. True Spartans!!!!
Your book gave me a sense of how the Greek immigrants survived in America and how many went on to lead such successful lives.
I am so happy you found the love of your life (I loved that part! truly meant to be) and found your American dream. You worked so hard and so much deserved. Thank you for writing this book. So many born in this country take for granted this beautiful country called America. Your book shows readers how lucky we truly are."
Interesting Story That Brought Back Many Memories
"This is an entertaining book from a great storyteller. He provides a realistic description of the horrors of the Nazi occupation in his Greek village and his family’s struggle to survive. His adjustment to life in America, learning a new language, going to college and becoming a successful businessman, husband and father is inspiring. He is proof that for those who are willing to work hard to achieve it, the American dream is within their grasp. His account of meeting and marrying Katie, the love of his life, is a story no doubt repeated many times and savored with each retelling. This book is a great legacy for his children and grandchildren and anyone wanting to understand what it’s like to leave their homeland behind to start a new life in America."
~Angelo M.